This Planner contains:
5 designated subject areas (Religion, Science, Math, Social Studies and Reading/English/Language Arts) PLUS an open column and a column for Spelling or Vocabulary words. (Dictionary / Vocabulary, Journal, Prayer, Questions on life in the Church and an Action) allow for Gospel / Church-related discussions throughout the week.
- Feasts of saints and other holy days, along with major feasts from other religions as well as national holidays and other observances.
- Monthly calendars for planning and keeping track of important dates such as long-range assignments and tests.
- Open spaces for recording assignments.
- UNIQUE symbols alert students to follow Jesus from city to city in the Gospels. Turn to the back cover for a map of the Holy Land in the Time of Jesus!
Imprimatur, Rev. Msgr. Mark S. Rivituso, Vicar General, Archdiocese of St. Louis.
Prayers of the Church are conveniently located inside the front and back covers.