Kolbe Academy has discontinued use of Great Dialogues of Plato in all of our courses. For the 2024-2025 Academic Year, Kolbe Academy will offer our own Plato Reader and carry Allan Bloom's interpretation of Plato's Republic.
Kolbe's new Plato's Dialogues Reader is a carefully curated selection selection of Plato's Dialogues: Euthyphro, Phaedo, Meno, Crito, Apology, and Ion. These seminal works of the Western tradition cover important topics about the immorality of the soul, how man comes to know, the life of virtue, including justice and piety. This edition has extra wide margins fpr note-taking.
Please look for these other books in our bookstore.
This book was previously used in the following courses:
- Literature 9: Ancient Greek:
- Homeschool
- Online
- Self-Paced
- Ancient Western Literature:
- Homeschool
- Self-Paced
Plato's Dialogues comprise the most influential body of philosophy of the Western world. Written in the form of debates, they are filled with philosophy's continual search for truth and the moving drama of intellectual conflict.